Tuesday, October 25, 2005

sakit radang tenggorokan

Kita sakit. Karena kelakuan kita sendiri.
Mau sembuh? Harus dgn usaha kita sendiri.
Tuhan gak memberi manusia penyakit begitu saja.
Tuhan jg gak menyembuhkan manusia begitu saja.
Tuhan hanya mengikuti apa yg dilakukan hambaNya...
Tuhan memang maha pencipta. Bs menciptakan apa saja.
Apabila kita kena sakit radang tenggorokan.
Apakah tuhan iseng menyebarkan virus ke tenggorokan kita shg virus2 itu mengerogoti tenggorokan kita hingga berlubang2 dan kerasa sakit?
Kita sakit radang tenggorokan, krn kita gak menjauhi factor pemicu penyakit radang tenggorokan. Kita sakit radang tenggorokan krn kita minum susu creamer, minum kopi instan dan minum es.
Siapa yg menyuruh kita makan dan minum susu creamer, kopi instan dan es?
Tuhan?enggak kan?
Kita sendiri kan...

Tuhan maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu.
Bs saja kita diberi kesempatan utk bs merasai nikmatnya susu cremer, kopi instan dan minum es, tanpa harus kena sakit radang tenggorokan.
Tuhan berkuasa atas segala sesuatu.

Kl kita sakit radang tenggorokan,
Apakah kita berdiam diri saja menunggu keajaiban dari tuhan?
kita harus berusaha sendiri utk mengobati sakit radang tenggorokan tsb
Caranya bs macam2.
Bisa dgn minum larutan penyegar atau minum antibiotik atau bs jg minum obat hisap
Tp yg pasti kita harus berusaha sendiri utk mengobati penyakit yg singgah di diri kita
Kita tidak boleh hanya menunggu keajaiban dari tuhan
setelah kita minum obat, kita hanya bs menunggu bgm reaksi obat tsb bagi tubuh kita
kewajiban kita hanya sampai di situ saja.
Kewajiban kita hanya sampe meminum obat utk mengobati radang tenggorokan
Setelah obat kita minum, kita tak punya hak utk menyuruh virus2 yg menyerang radang tenggorokan pergi.

tuhan mengawasi dan memandang apa2 yg kita lakukan
tuhan maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu
tuhan bs menjungkirbalikkan diri kita tanpa sebab yg kita tau pasti

Kl kita bs menghindari dan mengobati diri kita sendiri
terus dimana peran tuhan?

Kita bs menghindari penyakit dan jg mengobati diri kita sendiri andaikata kita terkena penyakit.
Tp apakah pasti obat yg kita minum bs menyembuhkan penyakit yg kita derita?
Kl kita berusaha sekuat tenaga menghindari penyakit, apakah benar penyakitnya bakalan gak nyamperin kita?

Kita sudah minum obat
Bukan obat yg menyembuhkan penyakit kita
Tuhanlah yg menyembuhkan
Tugas kita hanya berusaha
Tuhanlah yg menentukan apakah akan berhasil atau tidak

Siapakah tuhan?

35 Komentar:

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Pada 20 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous berkata...

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Pada 20 November, 2005, Blogger pippip berkata...

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Pada 21 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous berkata...

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Pada 24 January, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous berkata...


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Pada 03 February, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous berkata...


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YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by hacker, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

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Pada 12 February, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous berkata...

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In extension to catholic chiropractic workout, some chiropractors specialize in sports injuries, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, nutrition, internal disorders, or diagnostic imaging.
Innumerable chiropractors are alone or group practitioners who also have the administrative responsibilities of running a practice. In larger offices, chiropractors go-between these tasks to office managers and chiropractic assistants. Chiropractors in surreptitiously custom are responsible on the side of developing a indefatigable base, hiring employees, and keeping records.
Function environment. Chiropractors labour in uncomplicated, comfortable offices. Like other health practitioners, chiropractors are again on their feet for the purpose hunger periods. Chiropractors who abduct X rays must commission appropriate precautions against the dangers of repeated exposure to radiation.
physical therapy chiropractic free, on usual, about 40 hours per week, although longer hours are not uncommon. Solitary practitioners set their own hours but may magnum opus evenings or weekends to accommodate patients. Like other healthcare practitioners, chiropractors in a congregation practice hand down off be on call in or wine patients of other chiropractors in the group.


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